Filming more diversity and telling stories that would otherwise go unheard
Good and successful films manage without clichés and stereotypical role models. However, we know from numerous studies that there is still a lot of work to be done in front of and behind the camera before all people, regardless of gender, level of education, disability, skin colour, sexual orientation and other characteristics, have the same opportunities to express themselves or be represented in film with their own experiences.
We are working to make the German film industry more inclusive with the diverse composition of our funding bodies, our diversity checklists, training for the team and the industry and our "OMNI Inclusion Data" platform.
Funding bodies
Since our funding bodies were replaced on a rotational basis in 2020, industry experts with their own experience of discrimination have also been deciding on the allocation of funding. The discussion about the projects submitted has changed significantly with this increase in diversity.
Diversity Checklist
Everyone who applies to us for Fundings should complete a "Diversity Checklist" when submitting their application. The checklists deal with questions such as: How many women are involved in leading roles in the project? Are there people of colour in the team? Do we see people with disabilities in the planned film project? And if not, why not?
Here you can find our Diversity Checklist divided into Development, Production and Distribution. The checklists are currently only available for feature films and fictional series (and in the Distribution section only for feature films).
Helpful links
Themis Vertrauensstelle gegen sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt e.V.
Beratung für Menschen aus der Kultur- und MedienbrancheAmira
Beratung bei Diskriminierung wegen (zugeschriebener) Herkunft und Religion in HamburgRead
Beratung für das Recht auf Diskriminierungsfreiheit für alle Geschlechter und sexuellen Orientierungen in HamburgBeratungsstelle handicap
Information und Beratung für Betriebsräte, Personalräte, Mitarbeiter*innenvertretungen und Schwerbehindertenvertretungen in HamburgImpulspapier „Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Kino, Streaming und Fernsehen“ (PDF)
von Women in Film and Television (WIFT), Malisa Stiftung & Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS)Impulspapier „Und bitte! Mehr Schauspielerinnen ab 50 in Kino, Streaming und Fernsehen“
von Women in Film and Television (WIFT), Götz George Stiftung und Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS)
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