MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schlwesig-Holstein
Young talent

The NEST briefly explained

How do I get into NEST?

Applications for NEST can be submitted by:

  • authors

  • creators of innovative audiovisual media formats

  • producers who already work with authors or creators

How does it work?

You can apply for two types of NEST development funding: either for participation in NEST Space or for NEST Classic.

NEST Space

Behind the NEST Space is a five-day programme Collaborative thinking spacewhere you can develop your idea in a safe environment with experts, other Script Writers and creators. As financial support, you will receive a basic grant of 7,500 euros as well as further, individual funding opportunities - our NEST Tools - to advance your project in a targeted manner.

In total, you can receive up to 100,000 euros in funding for feature films with the NEST tools. Documentaries and innovative formats can receive up to 50,000 euros in funding, while high-end series can receive up to 150,000 euros.

Here are the four NEST Space dates at a glance:

  • 11 to 15 March

  • 03 to 07 June

  • 07 to 11 October (Introduction date via ZOOM on Tuesday, 24.09.2024 at 4 pm)

  • 25 to 29 November (Introduction date tba)

NEST Classic

The Classic variant makes it easy to get project ideas off the ground. All those who apply for Classic funding and are accepted by the Committee will only receive the Basic funding in the amount of 7,500 euros.


The application procedures for NEST Classic and NEST Space are the same. Applicants who do not wish to participate in NEST Space simply tick the relevant box to "No". In this case, the possible funding is limited to the basic amount.

Regardless of whether NEST Classic or NEST Space: After both funding steps, you can apply as usual for a Project development funding apply to MOIN.

Why are we doing this?

For really good films, series and innovative formats, three things are needed above all in the development phase: sufficient time, creative exchange and financial support.

With our NEST, we therefore want to act more flexibly, offer more individualised Fundings and be at your side as a partner at the earliest possible stage.

What happens in the NEST Space?

The creative writing and development process of a script or concept is often understood as "writing alone in front of the computer".

We want to break this up and give you the opportunity to explore your ideas in more detail before the actual writing process and discover the full potential of your story.

In each NEST Space, a small group of Script Writers and Creators meet with two experts from the European initiative Le Groupe Ouest. They will provide you with creative tools in different thinking spaces, allowing you to explore a broader spectrum of narrative possibilities. We will leave the field completely to you, with a maximum of one of us on site for the organisation.

The NEST Spaces take place over five days in Schleswig-Holstein. The MOIN Film Fund covers the costs for all participants. For parents and family carers, financial compensation for care is possible. The working language is English.

The NEST Spaces always take place shortly after the decision dates. You will be notified of the exact dates during the application process.

An introduction to the NEST Space

With Antoine Le Bos and Camille Ferrero from Le Groupe Ouest as well as MOIN CEO Helge Albers, Site Manager Nicola Jones and Head of Promotion Katrin Mersmann.
What NEST tools are available?

After participating in the NEST Space, you will work out in dialogue with our application department which NEST tools are suitable for you. Behind the tools is a list of defined services with standardised funding amounts.

A few funding opportunities:

  • erste oder zweite Drehbuch- oder Konzeptfassung

  • Test- oder Trailerdreh (non-fiction)

  • dramaturgische Beratung

  • Audience Development

  • Beratung zu KI, Green Storytelling oder Sensitivity Readings

  • Booster für erfahrene Autor*innen

Information event on 17 January 2024

At a networking event in Kiel on 17 January, we explained what is behind the NEST and what paths there are into it. Also present: MOIN CEO Helge Albers, Site Manager Nicola Jones and Head of Funding Katrin Mersmann in conversation with Executive Producer Andrea Schütte (Tamtam Film).
Who decides?

In the first NEST year, the members of the existing MOIN Committees decide on the applications submitted.

From 2025, the NEST community itself will take on this job: The participants of the existing NEST Spaces will decide on the allocation of funding.

What's still to come?

By successfully applying to the NEST Space, you automatically become part of the NEST Community. The community is a constantly growing pool of creative people with whom you can continue to exchange ideas. In future, we will offer you an online platform and other networking opportunities.

Submission deadlines