St. Michaelis Kirche - Hamburger Michel
Englische Planke 1 - 20459 HamburgDue to the height and shape of its spire (132 metres) as well as its location, the St. Michaelis church is Hamburg"s most famous landmark. It was destroyed by lightning in 1750 and rebuilt on the same foundations between 1751 and 1762, adding new aisles. Designed by J.L. Prey and E.G. Sonnin, it became one of the most important Protestant churches. The copper top of the church tower was finished between 1777 and 1786. In 1906, St. Michaelis was victim of another fire and had to be reconstructed between 1907 and 1912. The late-baroque facade consists of red brickwork and sandstone. Copper was used for the roof and the spire. The rather simple former church entrance was replaced with a portal integrating art nouveau glass window. As is the tradition, there are three naves as well as aisles in this church. From the platform of the church tower one has a magnificent view of the new part of Hamburg, the harbour and its city centre.